Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Improve Systems Development through Optimization Essay

How to Improve Systems Development through Optimization - Essay Example In addition, the research shows that the information systems development is an extremely knowledge-intensive process that necessitates the integration of particular stakeholder expertise and knowledge (Tiwana, 2006; McSweeney, 2010; Hagerup, 2010). This paper attempts to answer the question: what do information technology managers need to know about how to improve the systems development process through joint optimization? In this scenario, this a detailed research will be conducted to investigate a wide variety of aspects such as IT manager’s skills and expertise that need to improved for managing the IT projects development. This paper also shows how IT managers can improve the systems development process through joint optimization? A persistent statement about information technology (IT) is that â€Å"IT has no innate value†. In other words, possessing IT assets does not allow an organization to attain a competitive edge over other organizations, or to improve busine ss processes or to reduce expenditures. On the other hand, IT plays a positive role only when corporate stakeholders direct information technology in the right direction to offer business value. ... In this scenario, general managers require to be concerned with information technology (IT); the merger of software, hardware, people, data and processes, for the reason that: The absolute degree of the budget spent on information technology has to be handled carefully in order to ensure business value (Lacity, 2012; Grudin, 1991). In addition, a lot of studies revealed that when business managers are involved in IT, it helps them build numerous business plans, like that attaining a competitive benefit, improving and modernizing business processes, expanding their business to international markets and even initiating new businesses. However, it is also the responsibility of senior managers to be familiar with how IT improvements can change industry arrangements, like that influence of information technology on the specific industry. In this scenario, many researchers have argued that when business managers are not concerned in IT development projects and design, such projects and sys tems developments fail, as a result a lot of investment is wasted, or even, businesses completely fail because of badly managed IT projects (Lacity, 2012; Grudin, 1991). Moreover, the information technology and IT projects management knowledge and skills are able to offer a capability to utilize IT resources (like that efficiency of applications similar to on-line resources, word processors or computer presentation systems) successfully and competently. However, IT projects managers should be able to build up their knowledge, capabilities, and responsibilities in using information technology, recognizing the function and influence of information technology as well as implementing

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